Add a Feature on the Netflix IOS app

5 min readJan 24, 2021


My first solo UI UX Design’s project since the beginning of IronHack IU UX boot camp ^^’ Waouhhh

Are you ready to discover it ?

Let’s go …

The Brief

Nothing happens in a vacuum

As a new designer joining a team, I’ll often have to rapidly come up to speed on my product and users, and quickly iterate on proposed solutions under tight timelines.

My other stakeholders will all have opinions, and I’ll have to get used to supporting my claims and finding ways to incorporate new features into the existing platform based on user needs.

I chose … the platform Netflix ❤ Netflix Technology Blog

The process I will follow is this one :

My different steps to achieve the Netflix “Add a Feature” Project

1. Research

Market Research

Netflix is an American company founded in 1997, and because of the expansion of internet and the streaming, Netflix is today the most international famous streaming content by subscription on demand.

But Netflix has some big competitors : Amazon Prime Video, Disney + and HBO OCS.

I analyzed and compared them, and I reported their features.

Here is a comparison between Netflix and its competitors.
Brand positionning

I resume my features research here, and I suggested a closer circle as a feature. But at this step, it is just a suggestion, that Ii have to validate by my interviews.

User Interviews

I lead six interviews to users and not users of Netflix, to discover if they use Netflix App, what are their pains, what they like, and of course, if they would use a closer circle feature on Netflix, if yes or no, why and of course if they would pay for it …

Some feedbacks of my interviews

2. Define

Affinity Map

After these interviews, I collected each points they approached, that I resumed thanks to the affinity diagram method, and I brainstormed to observe some points very important in my opinion.

Affinity diagram


I created my persona Peter Chiller, a business developer, who need to chill after a rough day work on Netflix.

Peter Chiller’s journey map

In his user’s journey, you can observe some actions, which from I imagined some opportunities.

Problem Statement

“Users use Netflix to relax, but they are frustrated to search a good film on the large catalogue, and waste time. They trust in their friends to have suggestions movies”.

3. Ideate

I decided to help my persona to access to a feature :

  • He starts on the home page of his account profile
  • to access to the favourite lists of his circle friends.
  • By ending when he launched a film from the list of one of his friend.

That you can see on the user flow.

And then I draw on paper the sketch of my future feature.

4. Prototype

By using Figma , i made a mid fi prototype of the feature.

You can see the feature “my circle list” added to the home page of his account.

I learnt at this step something very interesting to work fast on Figma :

Atomic design is a new approach to modular design devised by Brad Frost to create Design Systems from simpler components: atom, molecules, organisms, template and pages.

I tested my Mid FI with 5 betas testers, on live, at Station F. With the Covid19 crisis, we are confined, and it is very difficult to meet with each others, friends, etc. But in my workplace, the entrepreneurs were very happy to test to help me to improve my feature, and the user experience.

I made some mistakes, that I improve, and I tested with them the Hi-Fi.

To conclude ….

Here is a list of feedbacks from Hi Fi tests i want to add … when I will finish my bootcamp ^^

I hope you enjoyed my Netflix story “Add a Feature” ;)

Netflix Technology Blog hope you will give me your feedbacks, I’m in the @Ironhack Boot camp, here to improve myself, to get the best from me :)

Thank you my readers.

(PS: I will share you my favourites list of Netflix’s films & series I saw… in the next days ^^)





Written by ZORA YOUNSI

***Entrepreneur & UI UX designer with Ironhack ,curious and passionate about innovation among others ***

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